- The “summer” months are in full swing, but it has not been feeling like it! Although May has been rather unsettled, many farms have managed to get their 1st cut silage done! Maize planting has been a struggle this season, with many having to have drilled a lot later than planned.
- With these unpredictable weather trends, it is as ever important to get the most of of your forage; get in touch to see what additives we have on offer and for prices!
- We have had our new milk replacer on many units across the country and getting some great feedback:
“The calves love RS Energy Advance and are doing really well on it, we are very happy with the product, the performance of the calves on the powder, and support from Rumen Supplies” Ayrshire. “Really liking this new powder, calves doing well on it and settled” Dumfrieshire. “We spend a lot of time getting the colostrum right for our replacement heifers, so making sure the replacer we give them is top quality is a non-negotiable. Our calves have responded as we had hoped with RS Energy Advance; all drinking without any fuss, growing well!” Lancashire.
- Butterfats at grass, there are two mains reasons why a decrease in butterfats can occur once cows have been turned out; 1) Reduced rumen pH, and 2) High fat levels in grass. For ways to help reduce the impact, read the full newsletter or get in touch!
- For the full newsletter: June24